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2 Months from Now

Aug 28, 2022

Sin has a way of messing with your mind. It wears you down. I think that sin’s greatest strength is not that it causes you to take giant leaps away from God…its that it lures you into tiny, unnoticeable, justifiable steps. It doesn’t always come against you with blatant lies; it just distorts and twists the truth. It hides, it compromises, it shades, and it bends.

What we begin to believe is that choosing our own way will work out. It will be okay. We can get over it. People will heal. It’s not that big of a deal. What we begin to convince ourselves of is 2 months from now…life will be better.

Maybe you’re contemplating sin right now. It talks to you. It taunts you.

It’s not an affair…it’s just text messages. A little Internet porn never hurt anyone. You deserve to have someone listen to you, and if your husband won’t you’re your old boyfriend on Facebook is the next best thing.  Your wife doesn’t admire or respect you anymore, but your secretary does. Leaving your wife won’t damage your kids that much. Telling one lie doesn’t make you a liar. It’s not cheating; you’re just being flirtatious.


When I told my wife that I didn’t want to be married anymore; that I would be happier without her; that she would be happier without me; I was leaving her; it was because I had convinced myself that my way will be better. 2 months from now, it will all blow over and life will be back to normal.

Can I share with you from personal experience…if you are contemplating or involved sin…here is what I learned the hard way:

  • 2 months from now the grass will not be greener
  • 2 months from now the lie will not be truth
  • 2 months from now your kids will not be over it
  • 2 months from now your pornography addiction will not be more manageable
  • 2 months from now text messages will be more sensual not less
  • 2 months from now seeing your kids every other weekend will still suck
  • 2 months from now you won’t be happier without your wife
  • 2 months from now what you’re hiding will not be easier to bury
  • 2 months from now your ability to carry your regret will dwindle
  • 2 months from now you’ll be further away from God than you ever thought possible

We are a product of our decisions. What you decide today…the compromise you choose today…the justification you settle for today…will greatly affect who you are and who you become 2 months from now.

Has sin ever blinded you to the consequences of  your choices?