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5 Things Your Husband Needs to Hear from You

Aug 28, 2022

After Justin’s post yesterday, I wanted to  follow with this post today. We don’t always get this right, but these are 5 things that make a HUGE difference in our marriage. As I speak them into my husband, our love for one another grows. I hope they are helpful to you.

1. I’m in love with you

“I love you”. It’s a term of endearment that we seem to toss out to about every person we know. What I have found is that Justin needs to hear not only I love him but that I’m IN love with him.

2. I am for you and respect you.

Before Justin and I separated we were constantly putting each other down in public. Our need to prove the other wrong caused us to disrespect each other through our words and actions.

What we have now is a mutual respect. A respect that what each of us contributes to our relationship and family is equally important.  When I tell Justin I am for him and respect him he feels honored, empowered and encouraged.

3. I’m attracted to you.

As ladies we are constantly bombarded with how we should look. We find ourselves over analyzing what we look like or don’t look like. We convince ourselves that if we look a certain way then our husbands will stay attracted to us.

What I have found in my own marriage is my words go a long way. The power of our words are much more potent then we think. Our husbands crave to know we are attracted to them. In complimenting your husband you empower him to have the confidence to compliment you.


4. I appreciate you.

Regardless if you are a stay-at-home mom or a CEO of a Fortune 500 company your husband wants to know you appreciate him. In most of our husbands there is an innate desire to provide. It can weigh them down and skew their view that what they do really matters. Saying I appreciate you communicates the work you do DOES MATTER.

5. I want to make love to you.

“Blush” If we’re all honest this one should be number one. Physical intimacy is a gift from God. It is unique in its power to bring about connectedness for you and your husband. God has placed a desire in your husband’s heart to crave intimacy constantly.

We live in a society where sex has been diluted to an act that is sinful and selfish in nature. Many of us as wives have struggled to see sex in the purity God had intended. Sex is a beautiful act of deep connectedness that only YOU his wife can fill.

You have something unique to offer your husband. For most of us we battle giving 100% to everyone and everything else other than physical intimacy. I guarantee you that if you struggle with this in your marriage and speak these words to your husband… your marriage will change. I have found that as our physical intimacy is made a priority our emotional intimacy follows.

Are there any that you feel I’ve left out? (Guys, help us help YOU!)