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Desperate for God

Jul 28, 2022

I want to be desperate for God. I want to desire an intimate relationship with God more than I desire anything else. What is true about me, and maybe true about you is that I tend to pursue and am desperate for what God can do for me, more than I am desperate for God, Himself. I am desperate for the benefits of having a relationship with God, more than I am desperate for the relationship itself. So I find myself pursuing things that I think will satisfy, but always leave me wanting more. I’m…

  • Desperate for acceptance
  • Desperate for approval
  • Desperate for intimacy
  • Desperate for relationships
  • Desperate for happiness

If we were honest, we would say that we are more desperate to improve our lives than we are to know more deeply the One who is life. So we substitute knowing God with figuring out what He can (should) give us. If we are a Christian, God will give us a good marriage. If we are a Christian, God will give us a good relationship with our kids. If we are a Christian, God will give us deep and meaningful friendships. If we are a Christian, God will give us a faithful spouse. If we are a Christian, God will give us a level of happiness that will surpass all of the troubles of life. If we are a Christian, God will give us a fulfilling career. If we are a Christian, God will give us…….and so many people sit in brokenness because they are a Christian, and yet, God hasn’t “given” them what they thought He would (should).

I know this way of living, because I have lived it. I bet, many of you are living it right now. You can’t put your finger on what is wrong, but you know deep down in your heart, something isn’t right. There is a sense of restlessness, a sense of disappointment, a sense of loss that you feel, but don’t know why. You are unsatisfied…

  • Unsatisfied with your job
  • Unsatisfied with your marriage
  • Unsatisfied with your kids
  • Unsatisfied with your church
  • Unsatisfied with your life

Marriages don’t just explode. Affairs don’t just happen. Divorces don’t just develop overnight. Kids don’t just instantly rebel. Relationships don’t just melt down. Maybe your are desperate for the wrong things…not bad things, just the wrong things. Maybe you are seeking what God can offer you more than you are seeking God. Maybe what your marriage needs most is for you to stop seeking to be right, and just seek God. Maybe what your kids need most is for you to stop seeking to rule over them, and just seek God more. Maybe what will allow you to experience more joy at work is to seek God in spite of your circumstances. Maybe you’ve pursued satisfaction more than you have God, and you’ve ended up with neither.

What “thing” that God can give you are you tempted to pursue in your life, more than you pursue God?