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What Will Always Be There

Aug 29, 2022

Yesterday was a long day. Long. Counseling. Meeting. More counseling. Email. Meeting. Dinner meeting. Trish and I got to the church around 7PM and I picked up Isaiah while Trish stayed at church for the rest of our student event.

As we were driving out of the parking lot, she sent me a text: “Hey babe…Make sure you pour into Isaiah for the next 30 minutes, he hasn’t seen you all day.” It was a great reminder to me of what was most important.

After everyone went to bed, I reflected on our evening and on that text and on the 30 minutes Isaiah and I cuddled on the couch. There are certain things that will always be there.

  • Email will always be there
  • TV will always be there
  • Twitter will always be there
  • Instagram will always be there
  • Work will always be there
  • The Internet will always be there

I wonder if some of the problems we have in our marriage or some of the challenges we have with our kids comes down to even though we are present, we aren’t truly present. We are there, but we aren’t there.

My boys don’t ask me to play trucks anymore.

My boys don’t want me to play blocks with them anymore

My boys don’t ask me to read them a bed time story

That stage of life isn’t there anymore…

I’ve spent time with things that will always be there at the expense of people that won’t always be there. Consider this your text message today. Engage. Engage with your wife tonight. Engage with your husbad today. Be present with your kids. Turn off the TV. Go for a walk. Power off the iPhone.

Some things will always be there. The things that matter most, won’t.