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3 People You Have to Tell the Truth

3 people to whom we have to speak truth:

1. Tell the truth to yourself.

The greatest of all deception is self-deception.

Writer Mike Novak says: “Our capacity for self-deception has no known limits.” The prophet Obadiah in the Old Testament says it like this: “The...

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Shifting Our Values

There is no doubt I have made a lot of mistakes in life and marriage. Most of them are written about on this blog. One of the biggest mistakes I have made as I have tried to follow Christ and as I have tried to grow as a husband and father is trying to change my behavior without changing my...

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The Path to an Affair

Last Monday I got a text message from a good friend. The text said, “I need your help. A friend of mine is a pastor and he has confessed an affair. I don’t know what to do to help.”

The text broke my heart. It broke my heart for this pastor. It broke my heart for his wife and...

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What Might Have Been

We were backing out of the driveway a few days ago and our 8 year-old son Isaiah said, “It makes me really sad that Nana and Grand-dad got divorced.” (Two years ago my parents got divorced after 36 years of marriage.)

Isaiah continued, “Why did they get divorced?” Elijah,...

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Delayed Healing

I remember the first time a good friend of mine confronted me about not telling the truth. They had approached Trisha a few days before and voiced their concerns, and got her permission to talk to me about it. This person listed a few examples of times that I had exaggerated details in...

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Culture of Grace

Every family has a culture. Every relationship develops a culture. Every friendship, every marriage has a culture…they have DNA; they have things that they are known for and make them distinctive.

When the affair happened in 2005, our family’s culture was exposed. There was no hiding...

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Never Stop Fighting
To be nobody but yourself in a world which is doing its best day and night to make you everybody else, means to fight the hardest battle any human being can fight, and never stop fighting.  E.E. Cummings

More than anything else your wife needs you to be you today.

More than anything else...

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3 Year Glitch

Yesterday, my friend Steve sent me a link to this article.

The opening sentence of the article says:

The “three-year glitch” has replaced the “seven-year itch” as the tipping point where couples start to take each other for granted, according to a new...

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The Other Woman

When we share our story, what gets the headlines is the other woman. The detail that people like to talk about is how I, as a pastor, could have an affair with my wife’s best friend. The other woman represents a huge mistake. The other woman symbolizes a gigantic fall from grace. How could...

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3 Things I Wish I Knew Before I Became a Parent

Yesterday at Cross Point we had our first Child Dedication service at the Bellevue Campus. Our campus is dubbed “the family campus” and this service proved that to be true. We had 29 children that were dedicated. It was a great day.

As I sat in my office and looked over my...

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Keeping Score

Over the past couple of weeks Trisha and I have met with a lot of married couples. Some have had train wreck experiences…some have just drifted over time. Some realize they have some serious issues. Some have dysfunction that they aren’t even aware exists. Each of the couples we have...

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Not Proving It

We spent most of the first ten years of our marriage walking on eggshells. Careful not to say something that would start an argument. Trying to make sure I jumped through the right hoops so that I could prove what a good husband I was. Trisha nervous about spending money or burning dinner or the...

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Desperately Seeking Normal

It’s been a crazy couple of weeks for the Davis household. From multiple snow days to overbooked schedules, it’s been hard to find a rhythm to our pace of life. As a wife, mother, daughter, sister and friend I struggle to fulfill any of these roles well when I am out of rhythm.

I have...

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The Highest Price

Trisha and I had the opportunity to speak at Mountain Lake Church yesterday. The services were powerful and we were so honored to share our story.

After the first service we made our way to the lobby to greet people. A man made eye contact with me. His eyes were blood shot and his...

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Do You Love

Have you ever read a passage of scripture so many times that you kinda tune it out applying to your life? It’s not that you don’t believe in its truth or understand its meaning…but it’s so familiar that it is has lost it power to move you?

A few days ago, something too...

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Unknown Expectations

We’ve written a lot on our blog about expectations. We have learned the hard way that an unspoken expectation is always an unmet expectation. We have written about the Reverse Messiah Complex and how we expected each other to be our messiah. We’ve talked about...

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